School Alerts

About Us

Greengate Lane Primary Academy is located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

We currently have 215 pupils on roll and eight classes in the school: FS1 (Nursery) and FS2 (Reception) classes in our Foundation Stage unit, two Key Stage 1 classes and four Key Stage 2 classes.

The school was inspected in October 2018 and has again been judged to be “Good” by Ofsted and our Early Years provision has again been judged as “Outstanding”. We are proud to have achieved this status, due to considerable dedication and effort from the whole team of staff and wider academy community.  We are committed to maintaining our rate of progress. We use strong initiatives such as a tightly coherent phonics scheme, a knowledge rich curriculum and incremental coaching to support improving pedagogy. We will build on our strengths, ensuring good practice is embedded into the school and drive forward new initiatives to enhance our performance further

We have high expectations of each other and our pupils: we want the pupils of Greengate Lane Academy to be confident, capable, resilient and independent learners. We expect our children to foster a love of learning and want them to be aspirational and motivated across all areas of the school’s curriculum.

‘Individually we grow, together we thrive’



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