School Alerts


At Greengate Lane Academy we undertake to promote high achievement and an enjoyment in learning for life so that our children will:

  • have enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity
  • be enthusiastic and motivated, with a love of  learning
  • be flexible and adaptable, having  a range of skills to meet the needs of a rapidly changing  world
  • feel valued and have high self esteem, respecting themselves, others and the environment
  • work independently and collaboratively, developing an understanding of themselves as learners
  • achieve their potential in all areas of the curriculum
  • respect religious views, moral values, other ethnic backgrounds and ways of life

We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing:

  • an engaging and motivating curriculum, considering the needs of pupils, the local community and the wider world
  • exciting teaching and a creative, investigative approach to learning
  • an enriching programme of extra curricular activities and visits
  • a welcoming, stimulating and calm learning environment
  • a rich, varied and up-to-date range of learning resources
  • an ethos of support and encouragement , celebrating success
  • learning partnerships  between school, home and the community

We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community:

  • by ensuring that teaching and learning are part of an evaluative process
  • by striving for continuous improvement in all that we do
  • by working collaboratively towards common goals
  • through open and effective communication


Teaching Aims

The Academy’s aim is to enable every child to reach their full potential across the curriculum by providing a knowledge rich and relevant curriculum that embraces a range of teaching styles and experiences.

The curriculum follows the requirements of the National Curriculum and is organised in a way that engages and interests pupils as they develop and apply their knowledge and skills. The content is delivered in discrete subjects and teachers make explicit links which support our pupils to make connections in their learning within and across subjects.

The use of new technologies will be continually developed to support and enhance learning as part of a curriculum for the 21st century. In addition to the traditional curriculum areas children will experience personal, social, health and emotional education to help them live a full, safe and happy life.

Children’s progress will be closely monitored so that their curriculum experiences and the support they receive will help them to meet their potential.

Religious education will be taught separately and will follow the guidelines of the Local Agreed Syllabus. Parents and carers have the right to remove their child from religious education or from the daily act of collective worship. They should first discuss this with the principal so that they can understand clearly how these areas are tackled in school. If they then wish to withdraw a child, this should be confirmed in writing.

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