School Alerts


Homework is set across the school in order to:

  • Promote positive attitudes to work
  • Raise achievement of all pupils
  • Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding in literacy and Numeracy and across the curriculum
  • Encourage and develop independent learning
  • Increase self-discipline
  • Develop the home/school partnership
  • Prepare children for secondary transfer in Year 6.

A variety of types of homework are used depending on the age and ability of the pupils. These include:

  • Reading
  • Learning spellings, multiplication tables, and mental arithmetic tasks
  • A piece of research / creative task linked to theme
  • Revision for a test
  • Other work agreed with parents.

Please become involved in your child’s work – it will help them to be more successful!

All our children are encouraged to appreciate and enjoy books and reading, and parental cooperation is vital in this respect. We encourage parents to hear their children read on a daily basis and are always happy to provide advice to parents on reading and the choice of reading material.

We hope that parents will become actively involved in, and supportive of, their children’s learning. It is important that parents ensure that homework is completed as required and that they provide a suitable place for their child to work.


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