Teaching Aims

The Academy’s aim is to enable every child to reach their full potential across the curriculum by providing a rich and relevant curriculum that embraces a range of teaching styles and experiences and is based upon direct first hand experience.

The curriculum follows the requirements of the National Curriculum and is organised in a way that engages and interests pupils as they develop and apply their skills and knowledge. The content is organised in themes that draw from each of the areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
  • Communication, Language and Literacy;
  • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy;
  • Knowledge and Understanding of the World;
  • Physical Development; and
  • Creative Development.

The use of new technologies will be continually developed to support and enhance learning as part of a curriculum for the 21st century. In addition to the traditional curriculum areas children will experience personal, social, health and emotional education to help them live a full, safe and happy life.

Children’s progress will be closely monitored so that their curriculum experiences and the support they receive will help them to meet their potential.

Religious education will be taught separately and will follow the guidelines of the Local Agreed Syllabus. Parents and carers have the right to remove their child from religious education or from the daily act of collective worship. They should first discuss this with the principal so that they can understand clearly how these areas are tackled in school. If they then wish to withdraw a child, this should be confirmed in writing.

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