The online world is rapidly developing and many of our children now have access to devices which enable them to connect to the internet, take images or video and communicate with others. While it is important not to obstruct them from developing skills from using these devices, it is essential that parents support their children in navigating the online world.
- Some of the issues related to primary pupils using the internet are
- Accessing inappropriate content on the internet
- Using ‘mature’ social networking sites, such as Facebook, and connecting with individuals they don’t know
- Being cyberbullied by others on the internet
- Using technology appropriately, e.g. webcams and cameras with mobile devices
- Sharing personal information with others they don’t know on the internet
- Playing video games with adult rating, e.g. Call of Duty
We are continue to be committed to improving our Online Safety provision, we use the 360⁰ Safe online safety review tool to help us review this.
Certificate of Commitment to Improve Online Safety
Certificate of Progress
360safe Action Plan Report (20th Nov 23)
National Online Safety has a new Mobile App! Please click on the link below to read the details and download this FREE app:
If you feel that your child is being groomed or abused online, then use the Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Centre’s reporting form:
Click on the red box on the right hand side of the page marked “Make a CEOP report”
The important message is that primary-aged children can speak to a responsible adult if they feel worried about something related to the internet.
For further information about family filtering for home broadband:
The resources on this page are to help parents to understand the risks and how to make devices safer to use.
The online safety lead in school is Mrs. Kara Robinson, if you need any further support or have any questions concerning safety on the internet, then please contact the school office.
Parent’s guide to Facebook
Yorkshire Humber grid for Learning
Wake Up Wednesday!
Each week (on Wednesdays, naturally) The National College release a colourful, easy-to-follow and insightful guide to an aspect of the digital universe that’s causing concern, outlining related risks and suggesting ways to help children avoid them. Every guide is compiled with input from some of the most respected professionals and organisations in their field: Leicestershire and Greater Manchester Police, for instance, plus experts from the spheres of mental health, education, technology, gaming and more. can embrace ‘Wake up Wednesday’ as a trusted voice in the safeguarding arena.
This week’s guide…
Other useful parent/carer guides…
For more parent/carer guides please click here here
Additional Information
For further information please click on the links below: